Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stil Chuggin Along...

Today I feel so strong. I know the prayers of all my friends, family, even customers are giving me the strength I need. I am so confident I can do this alone and am kind of excited to prove to myself I can be an independent woman. All the women who have shared their stories with me about going through the same thing and coming out so strong have given me such encouragement. The time I'm spending with my children is even more joyful because I realize now how you can lose things in the blink of an eye. They are making me smile everyday and I love it. I am so proud to be their mom! I'm even taking so much more pride in things. Like my house for instance. I like a clean home and always have but now I take such pride in keeping it spotless. I like making my bed and knowing it will stay pretty all day. I like having my kitchen nice and clean and my family room. Its just a feeling I can't describe. And while it might seem silly, its really helping me knowing it's MINE to take care of. And like last night, I went to bed for the first time without the t.v. on to block out the silence, and with all the lights off. And as I held my baby, I just felt so at peace. I just felt.... ok. I know today may just be a good day, and I know i'm going to have hard days where I am sad and down, but I can feel something inside of me getting strong. And I really like it. Miles of smiles today!

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing in the world greater than your children. They are lucky to have you as their mommy! It's so evident how much they mean to you. You're doing a wonderful job and don't be afraid to ask for help!!
