Wednesday, February 24, 2010


How completely 110% greatful (did I totally just spell that wrong??) I am to having such wonderful friends. Friends who are not just walking with me but carrying me through this time. You guys mean so much to me. Last night my super stupid awesome (kayden's words lol) friend Jeremy took me to dinner. It was wonderful to get a little break from the kids and spend time with someone who keeps me laughing. A friend who spends hours on the phone with me just to make sure I'm ok and I know I'm far from alone. It's nice to be with people who show me I'm far from worthless. Thanks Jer. It really meant alot. All my friends who keep calling and texting and emailing me just to let me know they are still thinking about me and want to make sure I'm ok. You guys are making me ok! Thank you so much for all the love and support you are giving me and my babies. It means more to me than you'll ever know.

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