Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just When You Think...

What a curve ball life has thrown me. Just when You Think you have life figured and and you have everything you could possibly want its gone in the blink of an eye. Last week my husband left me. No explanation or signs just gone. And now here I sit sad and confused and left a single mom. I'm scared and nervous. But I am trying to tell myself this isn't an ending. It's a new beginning. It's very hard to do, but I'm trying my best. How thankful I am for the 3 beautiful children I have. My Kayden takes such great care of me. Telling me he'll go to the store with his pennies to buy me a new heart now that mine is broken. And my special Kyler who says "hi mommy!!" so excitedly that reminds me of the good things. And my little princess who I just look at and I can keep a smile on my face. How great these blessings are. One breath at a time, one step at a time, and one day at a time I will get through this. Some how I will. The amazing friends I have and the wonderful family are keeping me going.


  1. I am so sorry to hear that Chels! Let me know if I can do anything for you. Keep your head up beautiful.

  2. Chelsea- I am so sorry to hear this! You deserve better! It will just continue to strengthen you! Someday someone so awesome will come along and recognize your amazing self! xoxo
