Sunday, February 20, 2011

Packing Day

Yesterday and today have been my big packing days. Although I still have a week to go, with school and who knows what other pop ups I could have with the kids, I just wanted to get it done this weekend. As I've packed I've just felt such a sense of pride. I know I've said it a million times, but I've come so much farther than I thought I would. I think that the first year, for me anyways, is the biggest struggle. To conquer that first bend in the road is a big success to me. I look around at these empty walls in my apartment now and I feel like I've achieved something great. This space was just a temporary. It served it's purpose and now we are going to a real home again. Who knows how many bends in the road ahead there will be, or who will come and go along this journey... but me and my kids have each other. This apartment was a never a home to us, but we as a family were the home ourselves. I'm not just proud of myself, but I'm proud of my children for handling all this change as well as they have. Of course they have their struggles just like I do, but they are still wonderful happy kids. I'm excited for our future. I'm excited for a new path for us. I'm excited that we are going to start another new adventure. It may seem silly to make all this huff about a simple move, but to a single mom, going to a house of your own is a big step. This is another big leap I am taking in my independence. My view of this road ahead for the team and I, has nothing but excitement and hope in it.  


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