Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year... New Chance

Well here we are again.. a new year just days away. The thing I'm ashamed to say is 2011 wasn't as awesome of a year for me as I wanted it to be. Worst part... it's mostly my own fault. Aside from the drama with Andy and his family, I don't feel like I grew as much as I had hoped to. At the end of this year, I was in the same position as I have been the last couple. There is so much stress in my life right now, just like anyone else's, and I'm really needing a fresh start with nothing but positive things. I'm still trying to wrap up the sale on my house that should have been done along time ago, with a tenant from hell in there right now. (I didn't want her there to begin with and now I'm stuck in a bad situation. Long story) I'm really hoping that 2012 has a break waiting for me because at this point in life I could really use it. However, I'm more than aware that I allow both negativity and positivity in my life. In order for change to come, I have to allow it to enter. I suppose that is what I have struggled with the most. I'm ending this year worn out and exhausted from the last 6 years of my life. I don't want to sound like negative Nancy, or come off as complaining. I'm not. I'm just worn out. It's hard being super mom working full time, going to school, and being a single mom. Then to top it off and have to deal with court after court and the sale of a house that I've been completely screwed over on, I've reached an all time low energy level. I'm needing a breath of fresh air and some rest. I've been taking care of other people for 6 years and I by far won't complain about that. More than anything I love taking care of my family. But I'm at the point where I'm ready for someone to take care of me. I know I'm a strong woman, but sometimes you don't want to have to be strong anymore. So here's to kissing this year goodbye, and welcoming the new one. Let's all hope 2012 is THE YEAR for happiness to enter and dreams to come true...


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