I know I wrote just a couple hours ago but faith has an amazing way of getting you where you need to be! I got a call from my son's counselor that child protective services finally opened a case against his sperm donor! They are investigating him and his parents for emotional maltreatment. I can not tell you how much better I feel about the decision I've made. I was scared and nervous to make the decision I did but I just feel like now I have a leg to stand on. Finally, someone hears my cries and is willing to step in and back me up. The best part is that none of this is because of ME. It's because of what my son has told his counselor. I feel the BIGGEST breath of relief. I can breath!!! I don't know where this will go, but I feel damn good that I know it's going in a positive direction. Life has a funny way of giving you what you need when you need it. When you doubt and are scared, faith puts it's arm around you and says, "It'll be okay..." This is a great day!!!
Feeling Today: So Happy!!!

Feeling Today: So Happy!!!
Chels, you are one of the strongest people I know!!! Good job making this hard decision, I am so sorry you had too! You are such a great mother!!!