Well this morning was the start of what could potentially be a definitely long process. However, if there is 1 thing I've learned through the past year of my life, it's patience. And at this point, for this task, I have all the patience in the world. I made the decision to not wait for dumb and dumber to leap. I did it instead. Meeting with my attorney this morning I gained so much hope for what the future could mean for my son. All I've wanted for the past 5 and a half years of his life was for his S.D. to step up and decide to be a dad. Quite clearly, I never got that and neither did my son. I made the decision to stop being manipulated and decided to go for the jugular this morning. It's funny that even after all the crap, I still have that little part of me that feels a little bit bad for him. However, the bitch in me quickly shuts that up and reminds me none of this has been mine or Kayden's fault and we haven't deserved any of it. Not only did my meeting with my attorney go amazing, but I spoke with Kayden's counselor and she talked to CPS today. From what she said, great things are going to happen for my little Kayd man. I think the thing Sperm Donor Sr. needs to learn about life is not only do you have to hold yourself accountable for your actions, but you have to teach your children to do the same. I have always taught my children that when you make a bad decision, you pay the consequences. I don't want to hear all the reasons you did it or why it's everyone else's fault. I want to hear you take responsibility for your actions and do your time. Children are absolutely a product of their environment. Unfortunately, sperm donor jr is the perfect example of that. Well, meet my friend Karma... she's a real bitch. Shitty for you, she's movin in.
Feeling Today: Hopeful

Feeling Today: Hopeful
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