What I've learned thus far....
1.) Hold EVERYTHING close to your heart, you can lose it in a split second.
2.) Be thankful for what you DO have, counting what you don’t only puts you further behind.
3.) A lot of girls will stab you in the back, but men obviously will too. If you have close girlfriends, never let them go. They are amazing to have and hard to find.
4.) If someone gives you a compliment, simply smile and say thank you. Don’t deny what someone is telling you.
5.) I’m WAAAAY more independent than I ever thought I could be.
6.) When someone offers help… take it. Drop your pride and say ok. Especially when you need it.
7.) When you don’t have your children and you have a few moments of time to yourself, it is okay to stare at the wall and do nothing but enjoy the silence.
8.) Enjoy spending time with just yourself. You need to be your own best friend.
9.) It is okay to be alone.
10.) Your children will get you through the hardest times in your life.
11.) Guys are just as bad at taking the WRONG message. It isn’t fun to be mean but sometimes you have to be direct, you don’t want stage 5 clingers. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!.
12.) Dating super sucks. However, every bad date you have gets you that much closer to a good one.
13.) Try and be as patient with your kids as possible. They are struggling too.
14.) Send love and peace even to the people who have done you wrong. Chances are, they are in a much worse spot in life than you are.
15.) Don’t have hate in your heart. It’s a waste of perfectly good energy you could spend positively.
16.) Forgive…. Forgive…. Forgive. It is true you can never forget, but ALWAYS forgive.
17.) I’m an amazing person and I will never settle for less than what I can give someone else.
18.) Never EVER give up on your dreams. Only you can stop yourself.
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