I am SUCH a lucky momma.... I feel completely and utterly blessed. I have these 3 amazing little children that were sent directly to me. For some reason God decided we would make a great team and he was so right. Last night Kayden rolled the garbage out into the street for trash day and I remembered I had trash to take out. I was walking it out and he said,"Mom let me do that for you. You shouldn't have to do everything around here anymore. I'm old enough to start helping out." Besides being ridiculously cute that he did/said that, the fact that my son, who is only 5, believes in his head without me telling him, that he should help out makes me the luckiest momma. He helped me with the trash, helped me unpack a couple boxes, and helped me fold laundry. And I didn't have to ask him even once. But we don't stop there... My adorable as ever, and recently 4 years old!!! Kyler has gotten sweeter and sweeter. When I ask him to do something or not do something else, he has gotten so much better at just saying "okay". Now, for those of you who know Kyler, you know he is just as strong willed as his mother. So... for him to just stop and say ok instead of turn everything into a battle til' the death is amazing. These 2 little boys that are in my life make me happier than I can explain. Not only are they awesome for these reasons, they are AMAZING with their sister. They are NEVER mean to her, always patient, and willing to do anything with her she wants. She can smack, bite, or pull their hair and they just say gently as can be, "No no Brooklynn, that isn't nice." Instead of smacking her back or yelling at her.... they love her. Kayden even said the other day, "Mom, I love Brooklynn so much that I would do anything for her. If she wanted me to swing with her, I would, if she wanted me to play tea party, I would. If she just wants me to cuddle her, I will. I just love her so much." I look at my life and the fact that I'm a single mom. I look at the events that have taken place and how unfortunate they seem. However, I sit back and I look at the bigger picture of everything God has blessed me with and I can not complain at all. I have so much.... and I am so thankful.....we make an amazing team.
Feeling Today: Satisfied

Feeling Today: Satisfied
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