So right now I'm sitting in a pretty nice hotel room in Houston where I'm working for the next 9 days. I love coming to trade shows and seeing my customers but this time because of my fitness goals I was really stressing about coming. I tried to pump myself up before hand that I'd still work out and everything would be cool and blah blah blah. Well.... I get here and they don't even have a gym. They have a "health and fitness room". Ya that room consists of 2 rickety treadmills, a bike, and an elliptical that doesn't work. No weights. None. Not only that but our hotel is around nothing but a pizza place and Chinese food. I literally called my husband balling my eyes out because I'm so frustrated and terrified of going 9 days without my workouts. My fitness means so much to me and I'm so motivated that a set back like this really has me devastated. Knowing I basically have no access to healthy food and a gym is like crushing my brain. Am I going to gain weight? Am I going to lose muscle definition? Am I going to lose my motivation? All these questions keep buzzing through my head. I get that there's not much in my control here and I have to accept it for what it is until next Thursday but it's such a mind fuck. I have been doing some circuits in my room and making the best of the broken elliptical but I just can't get my heart rate where I want it. My mom reminded me that I'm at a much lower elevation so it IS going to be harder to achieve that heart rate but that makes it even more frustrating because I have nothing available to help me do that. I know you might read this and think "what a stupid thing to be so upset about" but I've never wanted anything so bad in my life like I want to reach my fitness goals. This means more to me than finishing school even meant. I don't know I guess all I can do is keep on keeping on while I'm here and make the gym my first stop on my way home from the airport. Pray for me that I don't lose my mind while I'm here because I doubt Houston accepts my insurance.

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