5 years has gone by now since I gave birth to you. You were a stinker too. You just were never ready to come out and see me. Then when they finally decided to induce me, the day before I had you, I was actually schedule for induction but they said they were too full and wouldn't let me come that day. You would think after waiting 9 months, I could handle waiting just one more day. But just one more day was too long for me to wait to meet my sweet baby boy. Before I had you I never knew if I'd be able to love another child as much as I loved Kayden. But as soon as I heard your cries, and had you in my arms, I knew how it was possible. I realized a mothers love is endless and just seeing your sweet face made it all okay. Since that first day, I've loved you more and more as I've watched you grow. You amaze me with how smart you are and fill me with joy with how funny you can be. It means more to me than you will know, how often you say,"Mom... I love you." Watching you go from the baby brother, to the big brother, has shown me as well, the capacity of love you have inside you as well. You play with her when you don't want to, you get bossed around when I know your ready to kill her, and you make her feel better when she's crying over everything. You my little man, are amazing. I am excited to watch you continue to grow and take on the world as I know you will. You are so unbelievable smart, and I know one day you are going to do something amazing. Kyler, my sweet boy, I love you. Never ever forget that you are 1 of 3 reasons that I never gave up. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday sweet boy. ~ Love Mommy

5 years has gone by now since I gave birth to you. You were a stinker too. You just were never ready to come out and see me. Then when they finally decided to induce me, the day before I had you, I was actually schedule for induction but they said they were too full and wouldn't let me come that day. You would think after waiting 9 months, I could handle waiting just one more day. But just one more day was too long for me to wait to meet my sweet baby boy. Before I had you I never knew if I'd be able to love another child as much as I loved Kayden. But as soon as I heard your cries, and had you in my arms, I knew how it was possible. I realized a mothers love is endless and just seeing your sweet face made it all okay. Since that first day, I've loved you more and more as I've watched you grow. You amaze me with how smart you are and fill me with joy with how funny you can be. It means more to me than you will know, how often you say,"Mom... I love you." Watching you go from the baby brother, to the big brother, has shown me as well, the capacity of love you have inside you as well. You play with her when you don't want to, you get bossed around when I know your ready to kill her, and you make her feel better when she's crying over everything. You my little man, are amazing. I am excited to watch you continue to grow and take on the world as I know you will. You are so unbelievable smart, and I know one day you are going to do something amazing. Kyler, my sweet boy, I love you. Never ever forget that you are 1 of 3 reasons that I never gave up. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday sweet boy. ~ Love Mommy
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