Happy July!! And even more... Happy 4th of July (in a few days anyways.). This has to be one of my favorite holidays next to Christmas. I love that it is just as much about the freedom we get to celebrate plus the families we get to celebrate it with. I can't express enough how thankful I am to our current soldiers and those from the past who give up their freedom so that me and my children can have ours. I am so grateful that I live in a country that me and my children can express our feelings, stand up for what we believe in, and make our own choices without the fear of being persecuted. This is just one of those happy holidays kind of like New Years that you can start fresh and welcome changes in your life in a big BANG kind of way. This weekend I plan on playing with my kids as much as I can and celebrating the fact that our little family has become so independent. It will be a change to not do a holiday celebration with their dad, but I think it's important for me and my children this time. When I look back at a year ago doing 4th of July fireworks all together, I don't feel like I've come as long of a way as I had hoped. I'm so open to changes though and doing things as just mommy and kids. It is nothing against him, because he is an amazing father, but at some point holidays will need to be celebrated separately and this is as good of time as any to start. I'm excited for the adventures me and my kids will have from now on just the 4 of us. It may no doubt be challenging at times, and cake walk at others, but if there is anything you know of me at this point, I'm all up for challenges! I'm grateful that I have amazing kids, awesome family, and fantastic friends to celebrate my weekend with. May the memory making begin....
Feeling Today: Liberated

Feeling Today: Liberated
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