There is an awesome quote by Helen Keller that says "Faith is not a cushion I fall back upon; it is my working energy." Never have I felt that quote so strong. I was told something today that literally took the breath out of my body. I was given news today that rattled every bone in my body. I have wondered a lot lately if the decisions being made have even been thought out or just quickly decided. My families wellbeing is hanging on someone else's clothes line right now and I can't stand it. I've spent the last year of my life learning to be independent and learning to rely only on myself. I feel like right now that is being taken from me. I have to believe that everything will work out. That I have amazing angels that will carry me through this and into something good. If I don't what else do I have?? Something has to carry me through to a brighter sunlight. It's always scary when people come into your life and you aren't sure which direction you are being lead into.... The scariest thing in life is feeling like you don't have control. I've blogged about it before and I have to remind myself of that now. The scariest thing about this, is feeling like I don't have control over me and my children's lives.... As a mother, there isn't anything worse. So, I either start taking a different path or wait.... and see what happens. For the last week I've been breaking out in hives on a nightly basis and it's been miserable. I've thought that it has to be something I'm allergic to but now I'm leaning towards pure stress... So... faith is what I must live and breath for now. There are angels watching me and I KNOW they will take care of me... They always have.
Feeling: Scared and Unsure

Feeling: Scared and Unsure
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