Well Happy June. Summer is finally here. June is a rough month for me this year. Of course my birthday was the 5th. And to say it was hard is an understatement. But I'm so blessed to have such amazing friends who made it so awesome! Once I was with them, it was all ok. Then of course the 14th was our anniversary. 4 days away and I don't know how I'm going to be. It's weird to think how the best day of my life, turned into the one I dread most. Funny how things can end up working out that way. Our divorce should be finalized sometime this month I think. The same month we started our life together we end it. But I'm starting to realize sometimes, even though you can't see it, you get just what you need in the end. I don't understand why this happened to me and my children and I quit trying a long time ago. But I know in my heart that it happened because there is something better out there waiting for me. I don't know when it will come, and right now I'm ok waiting. I for once in my life, will have time to just meet Chelsea. Not mommy, or wifey, but Chelsea. And I think that is important for me and my future. I still have such great friends who are so awesome to me and my children, and because of them, I am doing great. I think I would seriously die without Casee and Jeremy holding my hand all the time. How do I ever repay them for all they have done for me? Ok on to my babies.... Kayden is doing really well. He has been so sweet to me. He said to me the other day " Mom, I know you grew up on the side of the road." and I said " oh ya???" and he says " Yep, because you're my american honey." What sweeter thing could he say to me?? Kyler is doing great too. He's finally potty trained (thank god!! seriously, thank him... right now!) And he is just hilarious. Keeps me laughing. I was asking him last night what his favorite things are. Food, color, etc. I said " Ky where is your favorite place to eat??" and he tilts his head like he does, looks at me with those eyes and says " At the table duh!" lol I couldnt stop laughing on that one! Brooklynn is still adorable as can be! She is a little jabber jaws now and is always talking about something. She is always giggling and her brothers LOVE making her laugh. She is even trying to crawl already at 5 months!! All my children bring me so much joy and I'm so so blessed to have them. I miss my Rhy Rhy like crazy but am soooo thankful the times I do get to see her. She'll always be one of my children.
I just randomly happened on your site and had to say hi. I'm also a single mom of 3 :)