Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So the single mom thing is starting to really really set in. I know that I did a lot of it alone before because of his work schedule but holy crap. It's hard to realize I'm all by myself and don't have help. Like bed time, when the boys don't want to go to bed and won't quit playing and I'm so frustrated but there is no one there to help me. I have to try and get them settled by myself. Or when I'm so tired and just want to sleep so bad and Brooklynn won't quit crying. And I'm used to someone being there to help me so I can get some rest. It's hard. Stressful. And yet he has the nerve to tell me to quit feeling sorry for myself for being a single mom. Sorry I'm not parent of the year like you and can't do it all without feeling overwhelmed. Oh wait, your out enjoying life kid free while I"m doing it. I did the single mom thing before but never with 3 kids under 4. I guess this is where the "strength" comes in. "Anyone can give up. It's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength" So guess what, I am gonna suck it up and do it because I CAN. But I promise you this, ever say that to me again while your out living your life, and I'll junk punch you so hard they'll come out your freakin mouth. Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Amen Girl!!!! You can do it. Men treating woman like that tends to bring out the most strength in us somehow!
