Wow... it's been a minute since I wrote hasn't it?? Life is going good. I'm back in school for my Bachelor's in Business Management and I've already completed 3 classes in 2 months. Nothing drives me more than looking at my kids everyday and knowing I want to give them MORE. I want to teach them determination and make sure they know nothing is dropped into your lap. In our family, you earn what you have.
Kayden finished Kindergarten and it's crazy to think how quickly that year went by. Now he's getting ready for first grade and my little Kyler will be starting Kindergarten. When did my babies grow up?? It doesn't seem like that long ago I was juggling changing both of their diapers at the same time. Kyler is beyond excited to start school and I'm excited for him. I think it will be a good change for him than being at daycare all day long.
Brooklynn is growing up so big. I was looking at her old pictures on Friday and wondered when the hell my little baby girl turned into a 2 year old diva. Now she's all big, mouthy, and high maintenance. Sounds just like her mother doesn't she :) It's fun watching her grow up and I love how girlie she is. Watching her play tea party with her babies brings a huge smile to my face everytime.
Lar and I... well we are doing great. It's an adjustment though. It took me awhile to figure out how to be independent and find comfort in just myself. And once I did, I really enjoyed the alone time I got. Now, I don't get that alone time anymore and it has been difficult to adjust to. That doesn't mean I regret us being back together because I absolutely don't, it's just an adjustment finding time for ME again. I love him and I love the time we get together and am so thankful that things worked out how they did. I learned such valuable lessons in my time alone that I would never trade for anything and think our relationship's strength relies on some of the lessons I learned. I think there is just a balance we have to find in our own lives and our life together.
Overall I'm completely happy. I am not someone that gives up, or sits down waiting for things to fall into my lap. When I want something, I go get it. Right now I have everything in my life that I need and I'm more than satisfied with that.

Kayden finished Kindergarten and it's crazy to think how quickly that year went by. Now he's getting ready for first grade and my little Kyler will be starting Kindergarten. When did my babies grow up?? It doesn't seem like that long ago I was juggling changing both of their diapers at the same time. Kyler is beyond excited to start school and I'm excited for him. I think it will be a good change for him than being at daycare all day long.
Brooklynn is growing up so big. I was looking at her old pictures on Friday and wondered when the hell my little baby girl turned into a 2 year old diva. Now she's all big, mouthy, and high maintenance. Sounds just like her mother doesn't she :) It's fun watching her grow up and I love how girlie she is. Watching her play tea party with her babies brings a huge smile to my face everytime.
Lar and I... well we are doing great. It's an adjustment though. It took me awhile to figure out how to be independent and find comfort in just myself. And once I did, I really enjoyed the alone time I got. Now, I don't get that alone time anymore and it has been difficult to adjust to. That doesn't mean I regret us being back together because I absolutely don't, it's just an adjustment finding time for ME again. I love him and I love the time we get together and am so thankful that things worked out how they did. I learned such valuable lessons in my time alone that I would never trade for anything and think our relationship's strength relies on some of the lessons I learned. I think there is just a balance we have to find in our own lives and our life together.
Overall I'm completely happy. I am not someone that gives up, or sits down waiting for things to fall into my lap. When I want something, I go get it. Right now I have everything in my life that I need and I'm more than satisfied with that.