Thursday, April 29, 2010
Just Keep Swimming Just Keep Swimming
~ So it's been almost 3 months now. When it first happened I thought " I will never get over this and it will never get easier" And surprisingly... it has! I watched Finding Nemo with the kids the other day and Dory was saying " Just keep swimming just keep swimming" And I have and I've moved forward. There are days when it still hurts and I still wonder what happened and how it could have happened. But I have kept putting one foot in front of the other and I'm doing great! My little side business has really started to kick off! I'm so proud of myself. I've met some awesome new friends in the last couple months to add to the already amazing ones I have! My new friend Tera has been awesome with her inspiring words to me! She reminds me that there is no such thing as trying, you either do or you don't! She reminds me that all that matters is me and my "team" now and no one that is a jerk to me deserves to be part of it! She said something that stuck with me the other day when I was having a crappy day she said " There is no such thing as a bad day. Some are just better than others." And I keep reminding myself that. What happened to me completely blind sided me and wasn't fair at all. But life is moving on and things are definitely greener on my side! For now, here are some pictures of my team!! Loves & hugs!

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Little Time Away...
So this weekend was so fabulous to just get away for a minute. Kayden, Boo & I went down to St. George to visit my awesome friends Cody & Brittney and had so much fun! We left Friday after work and came home today ( Sunday). So just a mini trip but it was fun! Saturday was full of adventure! First up was Albertson's! Who would have thought the grocery store could be such an adventure! First stop was the lady who told me my baby doesn't sweat and will cook from the inside out if I don't get sunscreen on her. Then the cashier whose life I had to save because she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Then was the fat lady who tried to fight me in the parking lot for god only knows why, followed by the little old lady who wanted to remove Britt's gallbladder. Wow, Albertsons up here sucks!! lol It was funny though. Good laughs = good times! Then we swam most of the day and Brooklynn LOVED IT! She is a little fishy in her tutu swimsuit (Thanks Casee & Josh!) She was so mad when we got out! Kayd is still pretty hesitant about going out into the water but man those stairs are sure a blast to him! lol I posted some pictures of our fun time! But before I go, take a look at the awesome roommates I found living on my patio the night before we left. 11 yes 11 hives. They have been evicted!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wonderful Weekend
What a nice weekend I have had! Yesterday was like the most perfect weather ever! So me and Kyler and Brooklynn headed to the park. Kayden was with his grandparents so it was just us for the day. What a breath of fresh air it is to watch innocent children run around and enjoy life as they know it. Kyler made a couple little skater friends while we were there and it was the cutest thinge ever! They were probably around 8 or 9 and they just had so much fun with him. It was such nice weather that Brookynn was in a skirt with no leggings! We had such a nice time. I just love spring time!! Then last night I went to my bff Jeremy's birthday party. How fun it is to surround yourself with great friends, great music, and great huka!! Huka bar, how I love you. It's nice to get mommy time! Today was great I went and got my Rhy Rhy and had fun playing with the kids at the park AGAIN. I miss her like crazy and feel so fortunate that her mom wants me to continue to be apart of her life. Then my parents came over for dinner and now I'm sitting down to blog! What a great weekend! Loves all have a fabulous week!

Friday, April 9, 2010
Feelin Me Again
So I'm finally starting to feel a little more like me again. I LOVE to scrapbook and make cards and jewelry and sew, ya know crafty things. And ever since he left I haven't been able to do the things I loved. I can't explain why really I just couldn't do it. It made me sad. Maybe its because every time I would make a new page or craft something I was always so excited to show him. Well I am feeling back to myself and made my friend Wendy a baby wipes case for her new baby girl Payten! And I felt great! It felt so good to do me again ya know? I am starting her car seat tent this weekend and am so excited!! 3 of my friends are having babies and I am so excited to make all sorts of stuff! It feels great to be doing things I enjoy doing again. Anywho, just a short little blog! Here are a couple pics of her wipes case and a cute bow I made Brooklynn. Can't wait to do more!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
All Over The Map
So we are all settled into our new place. I really like it. It's obviously smaller than our house was but it's super cozy and I really love it. I have it all decorated and our family pictures I ordered will be here Friday!!! Yey!! I can't wait to hang their cute faces on my walls!! I have the most special kids! Kayden is still so hilarious with this cop thing! He just insists he's gonna be a cop when he grows up! Tosha took them to eat lunch the other day and there were some cops there. Of course Kayden was striking up conversation with them telling them how in fact, he was gonna be a cop when he's older. One of the older ones said " Well can ya hurry up I'm ready to retire!" and Kayden said something not really knowing what that meant and the cop said " That means I'm gonna quit." Kayden responds with " Oh noooo you don't! You gotta teach me how to do it!! I'll meet ya at jail!" lol. He is so funny with this cop thing. His Great Uncle Chris is actually in the sheriffs department and let Kayden see all his stuff, play with the siren, etc. Below are some cute pictures! My little Kyler just makes me smile. He is saying the funniest things lately. When he's mad at me he pouts and says " It's all your fault mommy! I don't forgive you!" Then when I get the sad face his eyes will water and his lip will quiver and he'll say " I'm still ya friend though mommy. It's not your fault anymore. I love you." lol He is just so cute. He's probably the one having the hardest time adjusting to everything going on of course since he's a little daddies boy. So tonight me and him have a date! We're gonna go play at Mcdonalds I guess. lol I can't wait. Me and him definitely need to spend more one on one time together. Then of course our little Princess Brooklynn. How I adore her. She just makes me grin from ear to ear. She has started baby talking and I love it! She likes to do it when I'm trying to rock her to sleep. She just starts babbling. lol And she's started giggling too. It is so cute! I love her so much I can't stand it! I don't know how I ever survived in life without that precious angel! I always call her little momma and I'll here the boys say when she's crying " What's wrong little momma? Want your binkie??" They just love her so much and are such proud big brothers! On another more venting note, how is it that someone's personality can just change so much? When we were married we never fought and now it seems like we are down each others throat at least once a week. Never would I have ever thought that even if we did split he would ever be a jerk. And boy is he proving me wrong! The choices he's making and some of the hurtful things he's saying. Like really?? I just don't get how someone can just switch so drastically over night like he has. And then after he's a jerk to me all day, he expects me to forget about it and be bff's with him. Sorry, homie don't roll like that! K Loves all!! Hope you enjoy Kayden's cute cop pictures!! Have a fabulous day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
She's Gonna Make It
So My friend told me to check out this song. What do you think?
He followed her to work this morning
He’d never seen that dress before
She seemed to sail right through
Those dark clouds forming
That he knows he’s headed for
After seven years of marriage
He wanted out
Now after seven months of freedom
It’s clear that there’s no doubt
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
He’s at the foot of the mountain
And she’s over that hill
He’s sinkin’ at sea
And her sails are filled
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
And you know it’s not like she’s forgot about him
She’s just dealing with the pain
And the fact that she’s survived so well without him
You know it’s driving him insane
And the craze thing about it
Is she’d take him back
But the fool in him that walked out
Is the fool who just won’t ask
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
He’s at the foot of the mountain
And she’s over that hill
He’s sinkin’ at sea
And her sails are filled
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
He followed her to work this morning
He’d never seen that dress before
She seemed to sail right through
Those dark clouds forming
That he knows he’s headed for
After seven years of marriage
He wanted out
Now after seven months of freedom
It’s clear that there’s no doubt
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
He’s at the foot of the mountain
And she’s over that hill
He’s sinkin’ at sea
And her sails are filled
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
And you know it’s not like she’s forgot about him
She’s just dealing with the pain
And the fact that she’s survived so well without him
You know it’s driving him insane
And the craze thing about it
Is she’d take him back
But the fool in him that walked out
Is the fool who just won’t ask
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
He’s at the foot of the mountain
And she’s over that hill
He’s sinkin’ at sea
And her sails are filled
She’s gonna make it
And he never will
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